Wednesday, April 24, 2013

28 weeks {baby g #2}

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Monday I was 28 weeks pregnant with our sweet baby girl!  I welcomed my third trimester with open arms, as I already can't wait to meet this sweet girl.  These next few months I plan on savoring every last minute of Kason being an only child.  I have lots of special dates planned for the two of us, and we'll keep talking about his baby sister in preparation for her arrival.  I know it will be an adjustment, but quite honestly I'm not too worried about how Kason will react to the baby.  He LOVES babies, and always wants to hold and snuggle them.  I don't think he'll be mean, or jealous of the baby necessarily.  I do think that he will be a little sad that his momma now has 2 babies to take care of..but that's to be expected.  He's such a helper that I'm hoping he will want to help out with all things baby.  No, to figure out how to make him feel helpful when I'm nursing so much! :)

And PS - I know I wear a jean jacket ALL THE TIME, but this weather is just killing me.  It's not warm enough to wear all of my tank tops and short sleeve maternity shirts I've bought, so I find myself throwing on a jacket all the time.  And those mint maternity pants, best $10 I even spent! :)

Pregnancy Updates:

Baby G's size: Baby girl weighs about 2 and 1/4 lb. (about the size of a Chinese cabbage) and is measuring about 14.8 inches from head to heels.

My size: Today at the doctor I weighed 123 lbs.  That means I'm up 9 pounds.  I have gotten lots of maternity shirts in the past few weeks.  With Kason, I rarely work maternity shirts.  With this baby, I'm carrying so wide, that my shirts are too small.  I don't know why the doctor told me that I was carrying so tight and all in front, because it doesn't seem that way!!  

Movement: Still feeling lots of movement.  Not so many kicks anymore, more like elbow jabs and a heel poking out.  She has been getting the hiccups about twice a day, which is what Kason did too.  He had them a lot once he was here, so I'm guessing she will too!  Duane and I both think we felt her head popping up in between my ribs last night.  Hope she changes position soon!  Get head down, baby girl!

Most excited thing: Although she doesn't have a nursery, I've been preparing some things for her.  Nesting kicked in this past week, so I've been busy cleaning out closets, and getting a space in our room prepared for her.  It's hard when I see all of my friends that are pregnant posting photos of their nurseries, but I know she will have the perfect nursery all in God's time.

Most annoying thing: Acid reflux has been really hard lately.  It comes on at night, making it even harder to sleep.  My throat feels like it's ON FIRE.  Ugh.

Cravings:  I honestly haven't craved much lately.  I eat a few bites of anything and get full right away.

Sickness: Been feeling pretty good this week!

Next appointment: I went to the doctor this morning for my glucose test.  Praying that it comes back normal!  I go back to the doctor in two weeks.  Now that I'm in trimester 3, I'll go for check ups every 2 weeks.  So hard to believe!

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This comparison photo cracks me up!  My hair was SO dark, and straight.  In this week's photo it is light and curly.  I guess that's the difference between a winter and summer baby!  Plus, I've gotten lazy and haven't been straightening my hair at all!  I think my belly is about the same size, it just seems "pointier" this time around.  Which is so weird, because I feel like I'm carrying her much wider than I did Kason??

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