These last four days have been a whirlwind. I have been typing this post since he was 2 days old. Every time I get close to being finished I seem to get interrupted! That's ok though, cause I'm usually interrupted by an incredibly cute little guy!
I can't believe that Kason is already 5 days old. I feel like I was checking into labor and delivery not minutes ago. Now, days later, I am sitting here staring at my beautiful baby boy in awe of what God has blessed me with. He is perfect, and the only reason for that is God. There is absolutely NO other explanation. I wanted to blog about the day Kason entered this world so that I can have the memories forever. I know it is a day I will never forget, but I want to try and journal every detail (don't worry, I'll leave out any gory, gross parts) so that I can come back in a month, a year, a decade, and remind myself of how I felt the day that my life forever changed. I was so lucky to have a good friend that is also a photographer that was able to capture Kason's birthday on film. She was there in the delivery room (obviously at my head) for TWO hours as I, with the help of my amazing husband, brought Kason into this world. I will be sure to share the photographs with you all as soon as I get them.
I can't believe that Kason is already 5 days old. I feel like I was checking into labor and delivery not minutes ago. Now, days later, I am sitting here staring at my beautiful baby boy in awe of what God has blessed me with. He is perfect, and the only reason for that is God. There is absolutely NO other explanation. I wanted to blog about the day Kason entered this world so that I can have the memories forever. I know it is a day I will never forget, but I want to try and journal every detail (don't worry, I'll leave out any gory, gross parts) so that I can come back in a month, a year, a decade, and remind myself of how I felt the day that my life forever changed. I was so lucky to have a good friend that is also a photographer that was able to capture Kason's birthday on film. She was there in the delivery room (obviously at my head) for TWO hours as I, with the help of my amazing husband, brought Kason into this world. I will be sure to share the photographs with you all as soon as I get them.
Here is the story of Kason's BIRTHday, enjoy! :)
The night before Kason's birth, March 15, I was up several times and very sick to my stomach. I knew that this could be a sign of early labor and seeing that my due date was only 3 days away, I started to get a little bit excited and a lot of bit nervous. I finally was able to sleep for a few hours until about 4 a.m. That's when they hit me. The oh-my-goodness-I-am-FOR-SURE-in-labor-contractions. The get-on-all- fours-and-rock-back-and-forth-contractions. They were painful and they were strong. However, they were about 7-8 minutes apart, so I just kept breathing and timing. At about 4:30 Duane woke up and noticed I was on all fours and asked if I was having contractions. Kind of a silly question I thought, considering I normally don't sleep standing on all fours, HA! :) I immediately got into the shower because I figured we'd be going to the hospital and I didn't know the next time I'd be able to shower. It took me about 2 times as long, but I was able to dry and straighten my hair. By this time, it was around 6:30 and I knew the contractions were getting much closer together. I ate a little breakfast (about 3 bites of cereal because I had so many contractions, a decision I would later regret) and decided to call the doctor. After a few short questions, the doctor instructed me to come to the hospital to see if I was in labor. After having a false alarm on Saturday night, I was a little concerned they would send me home again. However, I was just sure that this was the real thing! We packed up all of our "stuff" into the car, said bye to Kaia and headed to the hospital!
It was a long, uncomfortable 15 minutes car ride. I was so thankful when we parked the car and walked into the hospital doors around 8 a.m. The nurse immediately checked my cervix, and gave me the best news ever, I was dilated to 4 centimeters! I was actually in labor. Praise the Lord (I'm pretty sure I shouted that when she told me)! They checked me into the room that I would later deliver Kason in. We called our friends and family and everyone was ecstatic. Today was the day I had waited for for 9 whole months. I would soon hold my son. I was elated and I was terrified. I had no idea what the next 8 hours would hold. Looking back now, those 8 hours seemed like 80, but it also seemed to fly by.
I got my epidural around 10 a.m. When the anesthesiologist came in the room, I was in tears and sweating due to my huge fear of needles. However, I knew that I wanted the pain from the contractions GONE, so that helped ease my fears. The whole process only took about 15 minutes start to finish and I was so glad to feel some relief within 20 minutes or so. I was able to lay in bed, watch T.V. and just relax. I spent a large part of the next few hours praying. I was a nervous and knew that God was the only one that could provide me with a sense of peace. He allowed me to be able to rest and relax for what was going to be a long process. Around 12 p.m. Dr. G came in and checked my cervix. He said I had dilated to 5 cm and he decided to break my water. I never felt a thing, which I think freaked Duane out a little, Ha! Dr. G encouraged me to relax and said he'd be back later. I took a short nap, watched some more T.V., and prayed. Around 2 p.m. the nurse checked my cervix and I was dilated to 9.5 cm! I couldn't believe it! In just 2 short hours I had almost dilated the entire amount. We waited a few minutes for my friend Kaila (also the photographer) to get there and then it was time to start the long pushing process.
I specifically remember Dr. G telling me at my 38 week appointment that Kason's head was so low that he thought I would have a quick labor process. I would agree with him for the most part except when it came to pushing. I started pushing at about 3 p.m. About an hour before that I had gotten another dose of the epidural medication because the first was starting to wear off. Unfortunately, the epidural only took to my left side the second time around. This means that once I started pushing I was in immense pain. The nurses encouraged me to try and get another dose of the epidural. I said no at first, but after several really painful pushes, I soon changed my mind. The anesthesiologist came back in and gave me one more dose. That turned out to be somewhat of a mistake. Three doses of epidural = complete numbness everywhere. Not only was I numb from my chest down, but my arms went numb as well. This made it really hard to push. I was getting really discouraged at this point. It had been an hour and a half, and still no Baby G. Luckily, the next half hour, I made lots of progress. With the help of some scissors (ouch!) Kason was born at 4:54 p.m. on March 16, 2011. He was 7 lb. 3 oz. of cuteness and Duane and I were absolutely in love. I remember them taking Kason across the room for the nurses to look over. I was still laying in bed getting sewn back up (gross, I know) but I remember watching Duane look at Kason as they were checking him over. I have never, in my whole life, seen so much love come from one person. You could see it in Duane's eyes. There was no way our lives were ever going to be the same. Instant connection. Instant, never ending love.
The next few hours were a blur. I was pretty drugged up and absolutely exhausted. I know I fed Kason soon after he was born. Breast feeding has always been a scary thing to me, but I felt such a connection when I was able to feed Kason for the first time. My body knew my baby needed food, and Kason knew he needed to get that food. Amazing. I ordered food as soon as I could. Like I said earlier, all I had eaten that day was about 3 bites of cereal. Starvation is an understatement! The nurses gave Kason a bath while our friends and family came in an oohed and awed over our sweet baby boy. I was very lightheaded so I don't remember a whole lot. All I knew is that my son was here, and I was tired. Aside from being tired, I remember feeling so accomplished. Looking at Kason and knowing that I brought him into this world is a feeling I can't describe. God placed this baby inside of my womb 9 months prior and after a lot of hard work, he was here. I was feeling proud of myself and proud of my husband.
We spent the next 48 hours in the hospital. We loved all of the visitors that came to see Kason and loved spending time as a new family of three. It still seems pretty surreal that I'm a mama, but I'm getting more used to it and we are slowly figuring things out. Kason is a great baby and a great eater so we are thankful for that!
As for Kaia..she and Kason are best friends! Kaia is very curious and loves to sniff and give Kason kisses. She can be a bit overwhelming, but we are so glad she is doing so well!
I could literally type a whole book about Kason's first few days in the world, but I'll spare you! All I know is that it was an amazing experience and I loved every minute of it (even the painful minutes, HA!).
Thanks so much for all of your kind words on here, facebook, text, etc. They are all SO appreciated and we are so lucky to have incredible friends and family. We love you all! :)
And of course I have lots of pictures! I haven't had time to edit many..but here are a few! :)

{My little burrito baby}

{He's cute even when he cries}

{Mama's boy!}

{And Daddy's boy!}

{Getting ready to leave the hospital!}

{He wasn't so sure about the car seat at first, but he likes it now!}

{Going home! Yay! :)}

{Kaia and Kason meeting for the first time!}

{Best buddies!}
I have lots of pictures of Kason since we've been home along with pictures of our little guy with all of his new friends and family. I will post them soon! :)
Happy Monday! :)
I specifically remember Dr. G telling me at my 38 week appointment that Kason's head was so low that he thought I would have a quick labor process. I would agree with him for the most part except when it came to pushing. I started pushing at about 3 p.m. About an hour before that I had gotten another dose of the epidural medication because the first was starting to wear off. Unfortunately, the epidural only took to my left side the second time around. This means that once I started pushing I was in immense pain. The nurses encouraged me to try and get another dose of the epidural. I said no at first, but after several really painful pushes, I soon changed my mind. The anesthesiologist came back in and gave me one more dose. That turned out to be somewhat of a mistake. Three doses of epidural = complete numbness everywhere. Not only was I numb from my chest down, but my arms went numb as well. This made it really hard to push. I was getting really discouraged at this point. It had been an hour and a half, and still no Baby G. Luckily, the next half hour, I made lots of progress. With the help of some scissors (ouch!) Kason was born at 4:54 p.m. on March 16, 2011. He was 7 lb. 3 oz. of cuteness and Duane and I were absolutely in love. I remember them taking Kason across the room for the nurses to look over. I was still laying in bed getting sewn back up (gross, I know) but I remember watching Duane look at Kason as they were checking him over. I have never, in my whole life, seen so much love come from one person. You could see it in Duane's eyes. There was no way our lives were ever going to be the same. Instant connection. Instant, never ending love.
The next few hours were a blur. I was pretty drugged up and absolutely exhausted. I know I fed Kason soon after he was born. Breast feeding has always been a scary thing to me, but I felt such a connection when I was able to feed Kason for the first time. My body knew my baby needed food, and Kason knew he needed to get that food. Amazing. I ordered food as soon as I could. Like I said earlier, all I had eaten that day was about 3 bites of cereal. Starvation is an understatement! The nurses gave Kason a bath while our friends and family came in an oohed and awed over our sweet baby boy. I was very lightheaded so I don't remember a whole lot. All I knew is that my son was here, and I was tired. Aside from being tired, I remember feeling so accomplished. Looking at Kason and knowing that I brought him into this world is a feeling I can't describe. God placed this baby inside of my womb 9 months prior and after a lot of hard work, he was here. I was feeling proud of myself and proud of my husband.
We spent the next 48 hours in the hospital. We loved all of the visitors that came to see Kason and loved spending time as a new family of three. It still seems pretty surreal that I'm a mama, but I'm getting more used to it and we are slowly figuring things out. Kason is a great baby and a great eater so we are thankful for that!
As for Kaia..she and Kason are best friends! Kaia is very curious and loves to sniff and give Kason kisses. She can be a bit overwhelming, but we are so glad she is doing so well!
I could literally type a whole book about Kason's first few days in the world, but I'll spare you! All I know is that it was an amazing experience and I loved every minute of it (even the painful minutes, HA!).
Thanks so much for all of your kind words on here, facebook, text, etc. They are all SO appreciated and we are so lucky to have incredible friends and family. We love you all! :)
And of course I have lots of pictures! I haven't had time to edit many..but here are a few! :)

{My little burrito baby}

{He's cute even when he cries}

{Mama's boy!}

{And Daddy's boy!}

{Getting ready to leave the hospital!}

{He wasn't so sure about the car seat at first, but he likes it now!}

{Going home! Yay! :)}

{Kaia and Kason meeting for the first time!}

{Best buddies!}
I have lots of pictures of Kason since we've been home along with pictures of our little guy with all of his new friends and family. I will post them soon! :)
Happy Monday! :)
love every bit of it! so glad you all are doing well :)
ReplyDeleteOhh, Made me cry! Again, I am so so happy for you and can't wait to kiss all over him!