Sunday, October 24, 2010


This weekend Duane and I took a short trip to Chicago.  I've been on fall break the last two weeks and Duane was able to take a few days off towards the end of my break.  Knowing that this would be our last vacation without Baby G (or without finding somewhere for our little guy to stay) we knew we wanted to go somewhere.  On Thursday we decided to get tickets to The Lion King which was showing in Chicago. It was kind of a last minute decision, but those are usually the most fun!

We headed out Friday morning.  When we got to Chicago we started off our trip by going to one of my new favorite stores...


One of my friends recommended I look at this store for Baby G's nursery.  I fell in love with it!  It was great to go to the store and actually see all of the items I had looked at online.  I am planning on ordering Baby G's bedding from there.  Make sure you check out the website...Land of Nod.

After going to Land of Nod we checked into our hotel and then spent some time walking around Chicago.  It's one of our favorite cities and it never gets old walking around and looking at all the tall buildings and awesome architecture!  









Friday night we went to dinner at an italian restaurant and then headed to the Cadillac Theatre to see The Lion King.  Having never been to a broadway show, I didn't really know what to expect.  The theatre was really neat and we had great seats.  The opening scene absolutely amazed us!  It was such a neat production and we both really enjoyed it!  It definitely will be the first of many broadway shows we attend!

Saturday was unfortunately pretty nasty weather wise.  It was rainy and windy but we decided to bare the weather and walk to Willis Tower (Sears Tower).  Because of the cloudy weather, the visibility was not the best.  However, we got to see the new glass ledge on the sky deck which was really cool..and really scary!





(Not the best quality of picture, but the only one of the two of us from the trip!)



Overall, it was a really fun trip!  Sentimental me was a little sad knowing that these weekend trips will soon be fewer, but I know we will still make time to take little trips just the two of us.  

I'm off to enjoy my last few hours of fall break.  Back to reality tomorrow! Have a fabulous Monday! :)

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